About me
"My passions include Javascript, Node.js, web sockets, and front-end development."
I’ve always been interested in computers. I started building computers at a young age with my brother. Those computers were usually used to play video games, often ending in all-nighters. As my gaming craze started to fade, I learned HTML with my sister building small websites. In high school, I got interested in robotics and traveled around the country participating in FIRST robotic competitions. That is where I wrote my first basic program and wrote firmware controllers. However I mostly did mechanical design, building, and debugging (I was always the one that had to run out onto the field during competitions to fix the robot), as well as fundraising.
I went on to get my Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science at California Polytechnic State University, participating in many organizations. I lead multiple groups of incoming students during the Week of Welcome. I was a founding member and on the executive council of the Eta Delta chapter of Sigma Pi. I was a member of the Student Allocation Fee Committee. My thesis was on building the WebIDE to help entry level students learn to program while removing barries and introducing best practices.
I currently live in San Francisco with my beautiful wife Justine. My passions include Javascript, Node.js, web sockets, and front-end development. Most of my experience is in Java writing full-stacks, focusing on the API layer and developer tools for enterprise customers.